Kenya, 2018

Select "donate," then "Africa 2018," and then the artist of your choice or donate as a whole.

Legin, Sinai and Focus had the privilege to go last year (2017) with Urban Discovery Ministries along with two-time Golden State Warrior champion James Michael McAdoo and their "One Died for All" basketball camp that reaches young men and allowed us to share the gospel.  The trip allowed them to use their gifts of music and preaching. They also toured high schools and communities doing concerts and preaching Jesus.  At one event they saw 120 young men commit their lives to Christ.

They are returning again in a month and this time they have opportunities to impact the high school boys at the camp, but also reach people in potentially more concerts and school tours, as well as media exposure.  Many of these engagements Expect Renaissance will fund, but he needs your help.

Would you consider giving to their missions trip to cover their personally and any additional needs that arise for ministry?  They need to raise $1000 by June 15 for some missions, travel and personal expenses?

You can give a tax-deductible gift to Expect Renaissance, a 501(c)3 at HERE.  Select "donate," then "Africa 2018," and then the artist of your choice or donate as a whole.

Thank you in advance for considering helping us! God bless!

Below are videos and pictures from their trip last year. 

Select "donate," then "Africa 2018," and then the artist of your choice or donate as a whole.