latest news
Sinai and Legin Release New Music Video
Kenya/South africa
Help send the RMM Artists to Kenya and South Africa.
Sinai, Legin and Focus will be going back to Kenya and Africa next year and need your help.
Click below if you would like to donate:
This album is available on all media outlets.
There will also be an album release party with performances from each of the RMM Artists. We will also have physical CDs available that night.
Legin, Sinai and JB went to South Africa last year. Watch their first documentary "Beyond Borders" below.
the safe house project
The Safe House Project is a gospel based hip hop music project that will use 100% of its proceeds to fund the building of a Safe House in Pretoria, South Africa to protect youth from the daily threat of sex trafficking.
The goal is to raise funds and awareness using the universal art of hip hop to build a Safe House for the orphaned children in the Soshanguve township, combat the very real dangers of sex trafficking among the voiceless and share the tangible hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to a hurting world.
Learn more about this project and how you can get involved.
South Africa, 2016
Through our partnership with Kerus Global we were able to visit Pretoria, South Africa and work in an orphan care center. That developed into the Safe House Project. We are now invested in doing out part to save the lives of vulnerable children from the threat of sex trafficking.
To donate to the Safe House, help cover our travel costs back to Africa, or partner in some other way...
We see among many youth and young adults a continual distrust of the church and spiritual leadership, and we believe this is due to a lack of discipleship. Through a core belief of "relational evangelism," Expect Renaissance, Inc. is creating initiatives to develop missional leaders who will impact the youth and young adults of Hampton Roads with the character and competency of Jesus Christ. Your partnership and support make it possible to facilitate the initiatives we have seen used successfully to make disciples of this generation.
More information to come as we further develop our programs.
racial reconciliation
In response to the all of the divisions we see in our country, Expect Renaissance has partnered with CrossRoads Church to engage church leaders and the community in intentional reconciliation dialogues. The Collective is an effort to bring leaders together to address areas of strife and think critically and compassionately beyond platforms and preferences to respond to our community in a Gospel centered way.
For more information email citycollective@crossroadsnorfolk.com

Bringing positive events to the Hampton Roads area.
We believe in bringing high quality gospel-centered events and concerts to Hampton Roads, VA to impact this generation. We believe garbage in = garbage out and therefore want to use expose youth and young adults to artists who can influence them positively with good art and great content.
Over the past few years our team has had the privilege to bring in artists such as:
- Andy Mineo
- KevonStage
- KB
- KJ Scriven
- Christon Gray
- Canon
- Erica Cumbo
- Da' T.R.U.T.H.
To donate to help us continue bringing events in the future [click here], or for consultation on your own events, contact us here.
Join us for our 6th Annual Expect Renaissance Benefit Banquet!
To sponsor, host, or attend click on the link below
Thank you very much for Expecting Great Things from God for our youth and young adults in 2020!
Join us Thursday, April 30th at 6:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, 820 Colonial Ave, Norfolk, VA 23507
Expect Renaissance, Inc. is a non-profit that uses gospel hip hop music and culture to impact youth and young adults through concerts, artist discipleship, and missional events. ER has been impactful in Hampton Roads, around the US, as well as London, Kenya and South Africa. ER helped complete construction of a Safe House in Soshanguve, South Africa to protect children from sex trafficking and founded the Safe House Project, Inc. to fund that safe house and safe houses here in the U.S.
We are celebrating 2019 successes of reaching youth and young adults through concerts, speaking at schools, the growth of the Safe House Project, racial reconciliation dialogues, preaching, and more!
We’re Expecting Great Things in 2020 and beyond and, at the Banquet, we will share our future impact plans for expanding our outreach efforts at schools, churches, and prisons, through speaking, concerts, partnerships, and racial reconciliation dialogues.
Join us for our Sixth Annual Expect Renaissance Benefit Banquet either by attending (no cost), hosting (no cost and filling a table with 8 potential partners), and/or sponsoring ($500 gift to cover the cost of a table).
Let us know by clicking on the link below and thanks in advance for coming!
*This is an adults-only event.
Sponsor a table
Underwrite a table of 8 for $500 to help us cover expenses so that all funds raised go directly into the ministry.
You may also choose to host this table as well.
To sponsor, click on the link below and select "6th Annual Banquet Table Sponsorship"
and follow instructions to pay your $500 tax-deductible donation.
If you have any questions about sponsorship, please contact Dee Dee at expectrm@gmail.com or call 757-681-7572.
Attend the Banquet | Host a Table
Attend the Banquet with a guest(s).
You can also partner with us by hosting and filling a table by inviting potential financial partners like yourself.
To attend or host, click on the link below. If you have any questions about attending or hosting a table, please email Dee Dee at expectrm@gmail.com or call 757-681-7572.
We’re grateful for your partnership, trust and support.
Here’s to Expecting a great Banquet and an even greater 2020!
mentoring and discipleship
Expect Renaissance, Inc. was birthed out of the mission of gospel hip hop label Renaissance Movement Music (RMM) to "Challenge the Culture" with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, in our community, many aspiring gospel hip hop artists are discouraged from using their gifts because of the lack of support, development and guidance as to how to use their gifts.
Our vision is to provide discipleship and intentional development to hip hop artists to teach them how to live lives worthy of imitation, and effectively leverage their gifts for the glory of God. Your partnership will help us continue what RMM has begun—supporting hip hop artists who can effectively engage and challenge the culture with their art.
Give to this cause by clicking "Donate" below.
have questions?
All donations are welcome and are tax deductible.
P.O. Box 1983
Norfolk, VA 23501